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September 04, 2006

Seattle, Washington
So Here's a Thing that Happened

Went to Bumbershoot last night. The talented and adorable Sia of Zero 7 put Melissa and I on the band's guest list to go backstage during their performance. At the end of the set, without any warning...

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce Matt from wherethehellismatt.com. He's going to come up here for a dance."

I doubt many people knew what she was talking about, but it seems crowds will cheer for absolutely anything, cause when I got up there I felt like a flippin' rock star.


Someone from the audience sent me the picture. There were tons of camera phones clicking, so maybe there's a better shot out there somewhere.

Definitely capped off the event for me.

...update! Sure enough:

Gotta cringe at that one last jig before leaving the stage. What was that about?

And unrelated, but if I may editorialize for a moment: would someone please take a cue from the whole Bumbershoot debacle and start a Seattle comedy festival? The demand is obviously there. Bumbershoot is too far-reaching to accomodate it. We want more funny.


I'm sure some of the people knew who you were. A heck of a lot of people have either seen one video or the other....

Dude, I was there...and you were awesome. Way to take it all in stride. Completely out of the blue since I just watched your video for the first time 2 weeks ago. Good luck in your endeavors and keep the dancing coming.

Is it sad that it makes me feel happy inside to see you jig like that in a 'new' video? *grins*

Hi, I am Nicole from S.Korea. I watched your video for the first time today, and I really enjoyed your dancing!! U R very popular in Korea too!! : )

It seems like you've never been to Korea though. If so, please come and feel the Korea!

i was living in london from about january till july and while i was there, my friend opened up my eyes to your absolutely fantastic video. since being back in the states, i haven't heard anybody talk about it. but i was at bumbershoot on sunday and when she announced you and you came out on stage, i flipped! in fact, i think you can hear me screaming in that video clip because that was definitely the same area i was standing!!! keep up the sweet dancing dude!

Oh geez...I'm at work and I cruise over to check for updates and lo and behold (not so much lo; mostly behold) we got more video!

I wasn't ready for more dancing today. I'll try not to watch it too much.

You say the guy in the video isn't you, but we have lots of versions of ourselves that we exhibit from time to time. I think the dancing is an outward expression of some of the best things in you and all of us. It's why people love it.

Regardless of any psycho-babble, thanks for the laughs.

Keep having fun.

always gotta be ready to perform now that you're a rock star

We watched the dance for the first time yesterday... Absolutely great ! We have been lucky enough to backpack for a while a while ago... and it just revived great souvenirs !

Keep dancing !

Great dancing, Matt! Cringe not - I think that final jig was very appropriate and well made.

Just discovered you out there on the Interweb - love what you do. Thanks for the laughs. Visit us any time in Melbourne, Australia.

hey, Matt!

Firs of all, I would like to say that I love seeing what are you doing, your idea of dancing around the world is really creative and I must say that I would love doing what you do!
Second, is not just because I'm a brazilian, but I cannot believe that you haven't been here yet! Brazil is a very rich country, the nature here is really beautiful, we have beaches, rivers, forests, animals.. What's more, we have loads of differents cultures..

So, I've looked for pictures from the most interesting things that I guess thre's here in Brazil..
ºRio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro - http://www.travelhouse.no/images/brasil/image5.jpg , http://www.zerrenner.fot.br/wallpapers/rz239.jpg ,

° Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul - http://www.travelhouse.no/images/brasil/image5.jpg, http://www.thisisthelife.com/photos/experiences/large/bonito.jpg

º Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco - http://p.vtourist.com/1429654-The_view_of_Baia_dos_Porcos-Ilha_de_Fernando_de_Noronha.jpg

º Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco - http://www2.uol.com.br/portodegalinhas/papel/porto03_1024.jpg

º Chapada da Diamantina, Bahia - http://www.bemtevibrasil.com.br/expedicao/fotos5/pratinha2.jpg , http://mk23.image.pbase.com/u48/alexuchoa/upload/30655047.PooEncantadosemraio2.jpg ,

ºAmazonia - http://www.webtime.ch/bilder/amazonas.jpg , http://www.greenpeace.org/raw/image_full/sweden/bilder-och-video/vy-oever-amazonas-2.jpg

° Chapado dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso - http://www.naturezaselvagem.hpg.ig.com.br/parques/guimaraes/veu-da-noiva.jpg

° Cambará do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul - http://www.ecoserra.com.br/gfx/fotos_tour_itaimbezinho_1.jpg

º Trancoso, Bahia - http://www.altosdetrancoso.com.br/imagens/trancoso_03.jpg

º Búzios, Rio de Janeiro - http://www.saveiros.com.br/fotos/buzios._2gif.gif

º Ilha Grande - http://www.brazilestates.com/images/ilhagrande/lagoa%20verde%20ilha%20grande.jpg , http://viagemeturismo.abril.com.br/multimidia/imagens/papel/ilha_grande_1024.jpg

° Salvador, Bahia - http://www.etab.ac-caen.fr/vhugo/portugais/Salvador-Pelourinho.jpeg

ºLençóis Maranhenses, Maranhão - http://www.velhosamigos.com.br/imagens/Reportart/lencois1.jpg , http://www.gateway-brazil.de/typo3temp/pics/f514d8c42c.jpg

ºOuro preto, Minas Gerais - http://www.ambassador-tours.com/images/brazil/ouro-preto.jpg
Well, I hope you've seen all of them and liked it. I've tried to remember the most beautiful places, but then I'ld have to put loooooooooooots of sites, so, if you wanna see more places, you can try this site --> http://www.braziltour.com/site/en/home/index.php or try to find in google more information. I'm sure there's more things to see than those places I put there.

Oh, I must say that the food here is wonderful too! And our people is really funny, easy-going.. I'll not lie to you, some places like Rio are dangerous, sometimes people here are robbed. But I think you must come here, lots of tourists come here and love it..

See you!

I was at Bumbershoot on Saturday, and the comedy acts definitely outshined (outshone?) the music. But I think we just got lucky with the Bumbershoot comedians... they're actually clever, original, and funny! The other 95% of comedians are cliche, sad, obnoxious heaps of slop (see: Blue Collar comedy guys). However, if the comedy festival featured only the likes of David Cross, Zack G., etc., then I am absolutely with you! (Oh, and nice dancin' :)

Dude! You did good job. It looks so funny. I wish I was there. Now, I'm trying to learn your moves. Don't you drop by Korea and teach me dancing? Have fun!

About the post above from Brazil..
Man forget about it.. We (brazillian) are good people, with wonderfull places, but our country is so fuck up that there's no way we can save it..
Politics sucks.

I'm a big Zero 7 fan (and a big Matt Harding fan), so that's pretty exciting. :o) Looked like you were having fun.

Hey Matt, I was going to send you the link to the video, but you seem to have already found it! I was all armed and ready to take a video of Sia's encore, but much to my surprise she called you out! I want you to know I worked very hard to secure that place near the stage, and because I had the camera handy we now have a record of your Bumbershoot debut. I had first seen your dancing montage a couple weeks ago and found it really touching, especially the bit of you in front of the Fremont troll. It was really fantastic getting to see you dance in person. Thanks for the great entertainment! Ann Fox http://freshlydead.com/blahg/2006/09/05/bumbershoot-sunday/

congratulations...yesterday i saw your video the first time and i really enjoy it i would like that you come here to colombia and especially "eje cafetero"...pereira...and dancingt with us and our beautifull places i hope that continue giving hope to all all the people....and dancing in that way...

Dude, when will we see you dance in Iceland??

Having discovered your video recently I'd like to lodge a formal complaint that it makes all my friends looks at me like I'm an idiot.

I keep telling people, "you've got to visit this website by this bloke called Matt, he goes all over the place and does this little dance, it's amazing!!"
Blank looks.
"No really! I mean he goes all over the world, then he does this little dance, like this" I do crap imitation of your dance, my friends turn away and change subject, leaving me jigging like a pillock. Thanks Matt.

Keep up the good work, I've no idea why what you do is so fantastic, but it is, so keep doing it.

That's friggin great Matt!

I caught the set JUST in time after leaving Kanye West and skipping Great Big Sea, and when Sia was talking about "Matt" who dances around the world, i knew EXACTLY what she was talking about, and i also knew that nobody there would even understand why you were dancing, luckily i caught a clip on my camera. it was great seeing Matt in real life!

Hi matt.. your dance it's a little strange but i hope you can come to Portugal soon and see how amazing this is :)
see you soon and good luck with your trips hehehe



I found your video, and it is so great. Thanks for showing the world in such a joyful way.


i thought id pop onto your site after seeing your video again posted on one of my regular forums, imagine my surprise to see you dancing with my favorite band on your diary!

bloody excellent, take it easy mate and safe travels!

Hi, Im a Brazilian guy, and saw your video on youtube...
I asked myself:

Dude, please, dance here XD
I live on Rio De Janeiro, my city have so beautiful places... if you think came here... gimme an email, sure i will help you...
[email protected]

(sorry my gramatical mistakes)

good luck on your dance XD
see ya

Thanks to Barry for introducing us and thanks to you for making us smile.

Dancing in Ireland


Matt you're awesome! My dream is travel to everywhere like you did, good work on that dancing video! =P I hope you travel to more places, its just awesome!

Edgar, Spain.

Wow, I've only just come across your website an I've just been sat here for 2 hours reading about all of your adventures! I have just returned from a 6 month travelling trip through australia and asia and I am now (after reading and watching yours) extremely nostalgic!!
Keep it up dude- you rock!!!!!

Hi Matt !!
Make sign if you pass in Nice in France, we shall come, Manu and I, to dance with you on the "Promenade des Anglais" (Walk of the English people), at the edge of the Bay of the Angels, the most beautiful bay of the world !!!

"Gotta cringe at that one last jig before leaving the stage. What was that about?"

LMAO!!!!!!!!! Letting go can be difficult...no, wait! OK...out-wearing a welcome is easy....uhmmmmm....nevermind.

I'm waiting for the rest of the world to start dancing like that! LOL!

Hey man, love your project.
I have never met a tourist who doesn't fall in love with this country. If anyone tells you its dangerous, well, the truth is IT USED TO BE DANGEROUS, but now its fine.
Trust me, you'll love it.
Regards and congratulations on an inspiring experience,
Albert C

I just want to say that, I was looking for extraordinary, and found it in your video. Truly, it is beautiful, and you should be very impressed with what you have done. Kudos to you, and may life lead you to the limit. Anyways, thanks for the inspiration.

I have no words to describe what I felt when I first watched Dancing .... the nearest description that I can think of: It was magic.
The only thing that I missed was a image of you Dancing here in Brazil anywhere.
Thanks for sharing,
Carla Dáfine

Thanks Matt and the guys who helped him to make this possible.
You're welcome to come to Brighton, UK anytime if you fancy a dance here too.
Now all I need is a video camera, money and a round the world ticket and you'll have some serious competition.

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